Wednesday, 19 October 2011

No Grounding

...from "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"
.... Medication Time

....Party Time!

McMurphy throws a party at the Asylum (Social Energy).  This is the night before he plans to escape.  (Intimate Energy).  Normally, the Social "grounds" the intimate.  But the party turned wild.  The Social Energy did not ground the intimate energy, when the party collapsed in disarray so to did the intimate plans, that needed sober intimate energy.  Although exuberant & vivid, the social energy can be “drunk” when ungrounded.  Next, the nurse came in with her proper energy.

Missing Spaces

...from "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"


McMurphy takes the boys for a daytrip out on the boat.  This "Outdoors Space" is in vivid contrast to the incessant "Domestic Space" of the Asylum.   There's also an element of "Social Energy" also in contrast to the "Proper Energy" of the Nurse. 

This shows how the Asylum is defined by what is missing, i.e. the Outdoor Space.

It is interesting to observe McMurphy's Social tactic when stopped at the wharf by the Marina's staff.  He introduces all the Asylum inmates one at a time, presenting them as distinguished Doctors.  This is an example of being "proper outdoors" and grounding his own social energy.